Frequently Asked Questions


What is Rolfing for?

Rolfing works with the underlying structure to create ease and freedom in the body.

Does Rolfing hurt?

Often times, the first thing people hear about Rolfing is that it hurts. Over the years, Rolfing has refined its approach and developed a way of working with the body that can produce lasting change through a level of touch that is appropriate to each individual client. People can report a certain level of intensity, but we always work at a level that feels suitable to the client.

Is Rolfing the same as deep tissue massage?

Massage is a broad term that refers to many styles of bodywork.  The goals of most types of massage focus on relaxing individual muscles whereas Rolfing looks to realign and re-sculpt the entire body into a better working (and feeling) unit. Some "deep tissue" massage works to release local patterns of structural strain, but this is not usually done as part of a strategy to balance the whole body. The goals of Rolfing require clients to be more actively involved than during massage sessions by performing specific movements, noticing sensations, and even getting off of the table to sit, stand, or walk.

Is it like chiropractic?

Bodywork and chiropractic both affect structure and correct the nervous system. As a Rolfer I specialize in resolving ailments through soft-tissue manipulation while chiropractors specialize in adjusting and normalizing deviated bones.

Does it last?

Yes. One of the highlights of the Rolfing series is that it produces lasting change throughout the body.

Do I have to do ten sessions?

No, you do not. The ten-series is designed to address the entire body, but we can customize the number and type of sessions to work for your goals. People often find lasting benefit from either a shorter series of three to five sessions, though most will experience change after a single session. Come in with an open mind and results will come in time.

How often should I come?

Most people find once a week to be a beneficial and convenient time frame. However, others find that they respond better to the work if they have more time between sessions to settle in to the new patterns of their body and up to three weeks between sessions is fine in most cases.

How long is each session?

Each session lasts from 75-80 minutes. Initial visits can run a bit longer to take time for a detailed health history and general questions.

What is the cost?

The session fee is $140 per appointment. I accept cash, credit, check, and Venmo

What should I wear?


The most important thing is for you to be comfortable. Traditional massage draping is not done in Rolfing, but there are always sheets and blankets available.

For Women: Underwear and bra or a two-piece swimsuit, loose running shorts and a tank top, or yoga wear.

For Men: Underwear or loose running shorts.